What’s Included in Website Hosting & Support?

Hosting & Maintenance

  • Website Hosting on our Dedicated Server
  • Weekly updates to WordPress Core, Plugins, Themes and Translations
  • Weekly Offsite Backup of Database and Files
  • Database Optimization
  • Spam Comment & Post Revisions Cleanup
  • Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificate
  • Transactional Email Service
  • Security Scans
  • Premium Plugins (Octane Volume Licenses) including Gravity Forms and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
  • 60 Minutes of Content Change Requests Per Month
  • Email Based Support

We are not a certified ASV vendor. You can find a list of Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) on the PCI Security Standards Council website. Ask us about how to simplify PCI Compliance using Stripe.