What Browsers Does Octane Support?

At our company, we prioritize providing a seamless user experience by rigorously testing and supporting the latest evergreen and the two most recent past releases of Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers. We also extend support to other standards-compliant browsers, ensuring they function correctly through the use of web standards, progressive enhancement, and graceful degradation. This approach guarantees that our websites deliver optimal performance and accessibility, catering to a wide range of users while maintaining high standards of quality and compatibility.

In addition to our robust browser support, we employ responsive design principles to ensure our websites adapt seamlessly across various devices, including tablets, smartphones, and other screen sizes. By utilizing flexible grids, fluid images, and CSS media queries, we create dynamic layouts that provide an optimal viewing experience, whether users are on a desktop or a mobile device. This commitment to responsive design ensures that our clients’ websites are not only accessible and functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly, regardless of the device used to access them.