ChatGPT announced in July that they plan to launch their own search engine. You may have already experienced the shift Google and Bing have made to include artificial intelligence (AI). Search Engines are changing dramatically with this introduction of AI, but your business can stay at the forefront of searches. So, how can your small business optimize your websites for AI searches?
Understand What Ai is Doing
The very simplified idea is that AI takes a lot of information from the internet and distills it down to the best, most relevant answer to a query. It can aggregate information from multiple websites. It can also intuit a searcher’s other potential questions based on what the first search terms.
Focus on Keywords
While this is not a new concept in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), it is becoming more important. AI looks for patterns in your website to determine if it will be useful to search results. Make sure your content includes the words that people are currently using related to your business. This may take some research. Long-tail keywords, phrases that are 3–5 words, are just as important
Accessible Language
Write in the vernacular that your customer-base is used to. Also, write for understanding. Use active voice. Your website is more valuable to AI search engines when it uses easy to read language. Also, as voice search increases, it is also okay to use language that is often used in conversation.
Real, Valuable Content
You are most likely an expert in your field, so be sure to offer great information about your industry through your website. When you include great content that people can use in the real world, your website becomes more attractive to search engines.
Ready to renovate the online presence for your small business? Octane can help, here’s how to contact us.