Consumer Attention (Part 2)

Every advertiser on the planet wants to get customers’ attention. If you are a small business, how do you compete? In February, we wrote about tracking attention using technology. We discussed what new technology tell us about keeping a customer’s attention online. While you may not have access to this new technology, you can still … Read more

Influencer Marketing in 2024

Influencer marketing has grown astronomically. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, it is a $24 billion industry this year, from $1.6 billion in 2016. Here’s what you need to know about Influencer Marketing in 2024: What is influencer marketing? In influencer marketing, businesses hire a person with a large, engaged group of followers on social media. … Read more

Should Your Small Business Focus on Identity Resolution? 

The personal touch has always been an effective way to market to customers. But building a relationship with customers is a little bit more difficult in a digital landscape. Identity resolution may help your company customize your marketing efforts to your costumers.  Identity Resolution Explained Your customer may cross paths with your company at multiple … Read more

Consumer Attention (Part 1)

To gain and hold a consumer’s attention… that is difficult. For good reason. It is estimated that people encounter an average of 4 to 10 thousand advertisements every day. And, consumer digital privacy is more regulated now. So we must move away from personal data collection. Instead, we return to seeking to understand deeper truths … Read more

End of the Year Checklist

As the year 2023 draws to a close, we think it is a great time to review your small business marketing strategies. So, we have put together an end-of the year checklist for you! Here are some things we think you should review, so you can head into 2024 with a stellar marketing strategy. Review … Read more

Five Ways to Engage Your Customers Online

If you work in marketing, you probably know the value of meaningful interaction with your customers. It keeps people engaged with your products and your brand. But, interacting authentically online can be tough. Competition is intense for a customer’s attention. And the internet can sometimes feel impersonal. So, here are a few ideas to create … Read more

Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising right for your small business?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most cost-effective ways for your local business to advertise your product or service online. We think it is a great option for small businesses, because it is cost-effective and targeted. What is Pay-Per-Click or PPC?  This is a form of advertising that shows up on a search engine … Read more

How Will 2023 Change Marketing for Your Small Business?

Happy New Year from The Octane Agency! We love kicking off the year with our predictions in Digital Marketing. The evolution of the digital space has been changing at an ever-increasing pace. Here are a few things we think you will be seeing in 2023. Creators Marketplace use skyrockets If your business wants to interact … Read more

Get Google Reviews

Can a Lack of Reviews Kill Your Business? “Octane made getting Google reviews a breeze. Prior to their solution we had a manual and tedious way of attempting to get Google Reviews. Now it seems like 4 & 5 star Google reviews come in every week. And we don’t have to solicit our clients!” Gulf … Read more