Short Form Video

We think Short Form Video is one of the most utilized and effective marketing tools of 2024. These are quick video clips found on YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram Stories, Facebook Reels. Short Form Video is an easy and effective way for small businesses to find more eyeballs and engage current customers. Here are some tips for how to effectively use short form video in your online marketing strategy. 

Compelling Content

Your videos should tell a story that is interesting and compelling. Your website, blog, and social media all tell a story. Find the high points and give a quick, visually interesting rundown of who you are, what you do, or what your clients are saying. Ideas: Before and After photos of a home renovation, quick HVAC maintenance tips, or a one line highlight of your origin story.

Find Your Voice

Short Form Video tends to be humorous, informative or sometimes silly. Depending on your type of business, the medium you use, and the potential customers you are seeking, your voice will be specific to you. 

Selling Point

Include links to more thorough content and in-depth information on your website, sales links, contact pages. Whatever subject your video includes, be sure to direct your customer to what they need to do next. Give them an action statement, otherwise they will scroll past your video to the next one. 

Make a Schedule

Consistency is important for engagement on social media. Make a content schedule to plan and execute short-form video that coincides with your overall marketing strategy. 


Short Form video is usually created in a vertical aspect ratio of 9:16. This means if you are also shooting long-form, which is usually landscape, not vertical, it may be a good idea to keep this in mind when you are shooting the footage for content. In general, the suggested upload size is 1080×1920. 

Are you interested in improving your company’s social media presence using short form video? Contact Octane Marketing Agency for the way forward in online marketing for your small business.