The Holy Grail of Social Media Marketing

The holy grail of social media marketing is User Generated Content (UCG). This is content that comes from a customer or client, either solicited or spontaneous, and is not part of an official paid advertisement. We love UCG because it gives a true, authentic experience from real customers.

Here are a few of our favorite campaigns and viral videos companies have used to get customers involved with their brand online. 

See a Scrub, Send a Scrub

The Squatch Soap Company used some great humor to engage customers on Instagram. They challenged customers to post a video of them using the soap, and tag five stinky friends. While adding to their own following, they picked the most creative video and had plenty of content to use on their website. 

Shot on iPhone

This Apple campaign came out of criticism. Customers complained that the phones did not take great photos in low light. So Apple challenged users to share photos in low light with the hashtag #shotoniphone. We think this was a great way to engage customers and tackle negative reviews at the same time. 

Stanley Cup

When a car catches fire with a Stanley Cup inside, the owner of the car shows that the cup still has ice in it. The iconic viral video on TikTok has more than 60 million views. While the company did not solicit this video, their response was impressive. They bought the customer a new car and more Stanley cups! This response is brilliant because it calls more attention to the video and gives the company a way to reward interactive customers. 

Ideas for our Clients

UCG is perfect for small businesses. It can be more accessible and affordable than most marketing strategies, including influencer marketing. While you will have to incentivize people to participate with a grand prize, there can be little to no other investment costs.  Here are a few ideas. 

Hospitality Industry

Ask customers to give a video walk-through of the house they’ve rented. Request that they show off some of their favorite amenities. Ask them to post the video to their social accounts, tag a group of friends they would love to vacation with. Any approved video could be used on the website and social pages. 


Ask returning and potential clients to post a video showing what room or part of their house they dream of renovating. And, have them include the reason why they think they should be chosen for a home makeover. 

Looking to improve your social media presence? Contact us!