Get Facebook Followers and Keep Them

Facebook is by far the most popular social media site available. However, it can be a challenge to get Facebook followers and then keep them interested in your content. Today, we share a few tips to help you get Facebook fans and keep them engaged.

Show Your Personality

Perhaps the most important tip is to show people your personality. Yes, your business can actually have a personality! Don’t forget that you’re a professional, but there are times when you just need to be little more personal. It’s your personality that is going to set you apart from everyone else. Your business is your story – so make sure you capitalize on what makes you fantastic. Post stories that highlight your expertise, with your personal “spin”, and use just a bit of non-offensive humor every now and then.

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Secondly, post a lot of pictures. Pictures are the most popular thing to share. You’ll find that photos and pictures have a much higher share-rate than regular text, and people generally like pictures a lot more, too. Try to “watermark” your website address in the pictures if at all possible. Pictures can include just about any type of subject – clients, job sites, celebrations, promotions, and any local news of interest.


Also, remember to engage your customers. If they ask you questions, reply. Ask them questions and get to know them; call them out by name, too. If you can do that, you’re going to be way ahead of your competition.

Ask for a Share

Remember that people can share your information. Every time your fans share your posst, that’s free publicity for you! It helps when you ask people to share!

No Time? Call Octane

And if you don’t have time to post content or don’t know what to post, let Octane handle it! We’ll create a content calendar so you know exactly what’s going to be posted, and when. Get detailed monthly reports so we can discuss how to get Facebook followers for a better return on your social media marketing investment.

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