Consumer Attention (Part 2)

Every advertiser on the planet wants to get customers’ attention. If you are a small business, how do you compete? In February, we wrote about tracking attention using technology. We discussed what new technology tell us about keeping a customer’s attention online. While you may not have access to this new technology, you can still … Read more

Should Your Small Business Focus on Identity Resolution? 

The personal touch has always been an effective way to market to customers. But building a relationship with customers is a little bit more difficult in a digital landscape. Identity resolution may help your company customize your marketing efforts to your costumers.  Identity Resolution Explained Your customer may cross paths with your company at multiple … Read more

Consumer Attention (Part 1)

To gain and hold a consumer’s attention… that is difficult. For good reason. It is estimated that people encounter an average of 4 to 10 thousand advertisements every day. And, consumer digital privacy is more regulated now. So we must move away from personal data collection. Instead, we return to seeking to understand deeper truths … Read more