Consumer Attention (Part 2)

Every advertiser on the planet wants to get customers’ attention. If you are a small business, how do you compete? In February, we wrote about tracking attention using technology. We discussed what new technology tell us about keeping a customer’s attention online. While you may not have access to this new technology, you can still … Read more

Be Relevant for Local Search Marketing

Local Search Marketing is an incredibly effective tool to attract potential consumers looking for the products and services you offer. To capitalize on this, you want to make sure your website and local marketing action plan employ the most up-to-date methods for making your business visible in your service area. Whether you’re here in Roswell … Read more

Hootsuite, Hootlet and Feedly Oh My!

UPDATE: 7/14/15 It appears Hootsuite has listened and has turned Hootlet’s auto-populate functionality back on for Twitter user profiles. Facebook profiles will continue to no longer auto-populate a summary and link automatically due to the Facebook API Platform Policy 2.3. Read below for details. Today Hootsuite rolled out a huge change to their Hootlet app. … Read more