Introducing Our Social Media Manager

She is Facebook-savvy and absolutely hilarious… This month, we introduce you to Social Media Manager for The Octane Agency, Robin Moody. Robin eats, lives and breathes on social media and she admits, she loves it! She believes that enjoying the platform helps her connect with the people that use it. She manages Facebook, Twitter, Instagram … Read more

Attracting Customers Online

If you own a business, you already understand that you must know your customers. But, online marketing brings new and different challenges. Here are two important things you should consider when researching your target market. 1. What is your potential customer searching for online? When a customer does an online search – will they reach … Read more

Meet Our Art Director

If you are one of our clients, then you already know our Art Director Mitchell Knight. That is because he works closely with our clients to establish a look and feel for their brand. He designs everything from company logos (his favorite) to full websites. This creative process requires a lot of client involvement. He … Read more

Meet Our Founder & Chief Marketing Strategist

Team Member Spotlight The Founder and Chief Marketing Strategist of The Octane Agency, Tommy Redmond is a successful entrepreneur, bold story teller, and family man. He founded Octane Marketing Solutions in 2011. The vision: Make digital marketing more accessible for small to medium-size businesses. For 8 years, his goal has been to give businesses a … Read more

Do You Need a Chatbot for Your Business?

First of all, what is a Chatbot? It is a computer program that can converse with your customers on your business website. When a customer visits your website, a Chatbot pops up in a separate box. It might begin a conversation like this: “Hello, can I help you?” If the customer chooses, he or she … Read more

5 Strategies to Get Noticed Online

As a business owner, you probably know how difficult it is to get your business name noticed online. There are millions of companies trying to get a user’s attention. But, there are important ways to reach your potential customers, such as: Trustworthy content. One of the most important things on your website is good information. … Read more

On Social Media, Authenticity is Key

We all know marketing and advertising are making a rapid shift to the world of social media. That gives consumers more access to information than ever.  There is one thing that consumers using social media prize more than anything else — authenticity. A recent survey shows that 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when … Read more