What are the Image Sizes for Parler?

Parler Social Media Sizes and Dimensions A very fast-growing new social media platform is Parler. Within days it’s size has exploded. Here at the Octane Marketing Agency, we’ve put together a list of image sizes for Parler because we couldn’t find them ourselves. So we spent 30 minutes uploading images until we figured it out! … Read more

Using Live Video to Attract Online Customers

Should your business use live video for marketing? Live video is an emerging marketing trend that creates a powerful online connection between you and your customers. It feels authentic because it is often less polished and more unpredictable. So, it creates a sense of immediacy that cannot be found in pre-edited online videos.   Sounds great, … Read more

Customer Retention and Your Bottom Line

What is Customer Retention? It is keeping your customers loyal to your business. It is all about building a great relationship with your customer. Your business creates value in their lives and so they trust you with their money. And these customers will not only keep coming back, but they will likely bring others along … Read more

Adapting Your Marketing Strategy after COVID-19

Digital marketing is a rapidly changing industry. And because people have been forced to operate in the digital world during the COVID-19 pandemic, this transformation has accelerated rapidly. Why is online marketing changing so quickly? Because more and more of us are working, shopping and educating using online platforms.  Advertisers realize they must reach us … Read more

Online User Communities and Your Business

Online user communities are a great way to foster customer loyalty. What is a user community? A social media group that is created around a business. So users can share information about a product. And customers become part of a community loyal to a specific business. Also, businesses can share content and interact with customers. … Read more

COVID-19 and Your Online Marketing Strategy

Our world is changing rapidly because of the current global pandemic. And, that means your business has probably shifted as well. This is a great time to take a look at your online presence and be sure that you are exceeding the expectations of your current and potential customers. Here are four things you should … Read more

Is Your Business Blog Working?

You can drive customers to your website by providing information your customers are searching online. That is why content blogs are such an important part of your company’s website. If you want to show up in searches – so your website needs blogs for SEO, search engine optimization. Here are five important components of a … Read more

Is Your Website Accessible?

Accessibility is currently a hot button issue in web development. Recent lawsuits have created awareness of an issue that was mostly overlooked in the past. But now, it is important to know: Can everyone access information on your website? Can someone with impairments in vision, cognition, movement or hearing still utilize your web page? If … Read more