Social is Dead

A prominent business journal recently published an article claiming that Social Media is dying.  So, what do we think? Well, it is certainly not time to panic. Social media is still one of the best ways to connect with your customers. So, we say: stay the course if it is working for your business!  But … Read more

LinkedIn Strategies

LinkedIn is an important part of a business social media strategy. Even though it may not get as much attention as Facebook and other social media outlets, it has many benefits that should make it a marketing opportunity. Why? Three big reasons. If you are interested in beginning or boosting your LinkedIn presence for your … Read more

Five Ways to Engage Your Customers Online

If you work in marketing, you probably know the value of meaningful interaction with your customers. It keeps people engaged with your products and your brand. But, interacting authentically online can be tough. Competition is intense for a customer’s attention. And the internet can sometimes feel impersonal. So, here are a few ideas to create … Read more

Should Your Small Business Learn about Generation Z?

Generation Z is the newest generation entering the consumer market. And if you own a small business, you might already know that it pays to get to know them! Not only do they have growing buying power and interest in new products, but they are also great at influencing what their parents purchase.  So here’s … Read more

Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising right for your small business?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most cost-effective ways for your local business to advertise your product or service online. We think it is a great option for small businesses, because it is cost-effective and targeted. What is Pay-Per-Click or PPC?  This is a form of advertising that shows up on a search engine … Read more

How Will 2023 Change Marketing for Your Small Business?

Happy New Year from The Octane Agency! We love kicking off the year with our predictions in Digital Marketing. The evolution of the digital space has been changing at an ever-increasing pace. Here are a few things we think you will be seeing in 2023. Creators Marketplace use skyrockets If your business wants to interact … Read more

How to Optimize Your Business Website for Visual Search

Google made some big changes to the search engine recently.  Will the changes affect how your business operates online? One of the big changes is Google Lens, which allows people to search using screenshots and photos. It is part of how online search is evolving. And is a great opportunity to gain more organic traffic from … Read more